A Toastmaster Wears Many Hats

The success of a club meeting depends on the participants. At each meeting, there are many roles to fill and they play an important part in making the club experience enjoyable. Below is a list of the club meeting roles.


The Toastmaster is a meeting's director and host.

Meeting Speaker

Every speaker is a role model and club members learn from one another's speeches.


The Grammarian helps club members improve their grammar and vocabulary.


Taking on this role improves time management skills.


Every speaker is a role model and club members learn from one another's speeches.


Taking on this role improves organization skills, time management and facilitation skills.

Table Topics Speaker

Table Topics helps members develop their impromptu speaking skills.

General Evaluator

The General Evaluator evaluates everything that takes place during the club meeting.

Ready to try a meeting?

We can’t wait to meet you! Whether you join us online or in person, please RSVP so we can ensure you have the correct link or directions to our next meeting.